Open data

Engineering Dust Coma Model (EDCM) for ESA’s Comet Interceptor mission to a dynamically new comet
As part of ESA’s Comet Interceptor mission to a dynamically new comet, it became essential to determine the potential dust densities the spacecraft might encounter. The difficulty doing this came from the fact that the target comet is/was unknown and, therefore, it’s properties. For this purpose, we present a statistical approach that aids risk mitigation and planning of a comet mission to a yet unknown comet.
The full dataset is publically available via
The associated paper (Marschall et al. 2022) was published in A&A and can be found here.
3D dust and gas coma distribution of comet 67P
The MiARD project (in particular the University of Bern) has developed a numerical activity model for the outgassing and ejection of dust from the comet. The predictions of this model, for two sets of assumptions, are made available here. The data consists of 8 space separated ASCII files with seven columns of data. These seven columns (x, y, z, number density,u, v, w) are:
- x,y,z spatial coordinates in metres from centre of comet (Cheops reference frame)
- the number density of the gas or dust [m-3]
- u, v, w the x,y,z components of the velocity vector [m/s]
For each model (inhomogeneous or purely insolation driven) there is one file for the gas number density and velocity, and one file for each of the three dust particle sizes. The filenames should be self-explanatory. For more information, see the associated deliverable report.
Interactive charts of papers
For papers as of 2020, you can find interactive charts of various figures, for which you can also download the underlying data. You can customise each interactive chart by changing the axis range via the leavers at the top and right. Additionally, the displayed data changes when selecting different options in the legend. Via the menu at the top left of each chart, the data can be downloaded and the current view saved as an image.
Please reference the appropriate papers if you use any of the data or charts presented here. Some figures might be copyrighted by the corresponding journal. Feel free to contact me for more information.
You can find interactive charts for the following papers:
- Marschall et al. 2022, A&A
- Marschall et al. 2020, Frontiers in Physics, Volume 8, p. 227
- Marschall et al. 2020, Icarus, Volume 346, p. 113742